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Possibilities, my word of the year 2023
"Be like Pippi Longstocking"

mindset personal branding personal stories storytelling-truthtelling Jan 16, 2023
Karolien Vanhelden Personal Branding

With the calendar turning over, reflections get a lot of attention this time of the year. Reflections on where we have been and where we want to go. And the trend is to pick a word of the year. At first I didn’t want to participate in this trend. But what can I say, I just love words… The power of words can be huge: unleashing a moment of recognition, a verbal hug, an unexpected emotion,…

Last year was mainly a year of transformation, in which I became an entrepreneur. But I want to focus on the upcoming year. So here I go… 2023 is for me the Year of Possibilities. Staring at the blank page that is the year ahead with excitement of everything that is imaginable. Approaching the world with big open eyes and experimenting with fresh ideas.

  • The Possibility of ME – The Possibility of US

No scarcity mentality this year! Let’s go for abundancy and adopt a growth mindset. I want to live out the highest and truest expression of myself, just by believing in myself and my capabilities. I would love to discover all different facets of myself and be like Pippi Longstocking: I’ve never tried that before so I think I should definitely be able to do that. A quote that has been written down on our front door during Corona times.

I’d like to realize my full potential AND yours. This implies getting together out of our comfort zone. We don’t need to lift horses like Pippi, but be remarkable in our own way. Because yes, this year is not only about me, but also about us. I value togetherness and connecting with other like-minded people. That is why I want to join different communities to exchange thoughts and opportunities.

  • The Possibility to PLAY – The Possibility to PAUSE

Learning to play again is a goal for 2023. And not just playing safe, but going for the challenging stretch. Just the thought of being able to play around and test new things gives me strength. I will approach the world and my work as one big playground. I will go on that scary rollercoaster. I want to be where the action is. I want to swim and experiment in that sea of possibilities. I will (try to) throw myself into a situation without reflecting too much on it and seek the thrill.

On the other hand, I don’t want to be a participant all the time. I also want to be an observer from time to time. Take time to pause, to reflect and to get up on the balcony, as they say: Creating a space to slow down and think, taking a step back to gain a clearer view on the  bigger picture.

So 2023 will be about sometimes getting swept up in the action and sometimes standing still to identify the next best move.

I want to play with you AND pause with you. Discovering all (y)our possibilities out there and listening to you and your story to make you feel seen and understood.

  • The Possibility to SUCCEED - The Possibility to LEARN

Of course, when you play, sometimes you win sometimes you… LEARN. But losses are there to wake us up and invite us to move in another direction. With my (to be developed) growth mindset, I will need to consider failure as a part of the learning curve towards success and think: “What if I fall? Oh, but my darling, what if you fly?”

I am a lifelong learner. I am like a sponge, continuously absorbing new insights with my never-ending curiosity. But I need to learn again how to learn (read: fail) and believe in the possibility of succeeding.

Let’s come back to that scary rollercoaster. I want to compare 2023 with the excitement you feel when lining up to go on a rollercoaster, all the feels when actually tossing and turning during the ride (thinking at that moment I will not do this ever again) and the eagerness and impatience when you get out to get on another ride again.

This has become quite a long Karolien’s wish list with a lot of intentions (and honestly they also scare the hell out of me). But all of the above is also about you. I want to help you succeed and share my knowledge with you. You should see what I see in you: your beautiful personality, your endless capabilities,… Don’t do everything alone but surround yourself with those people who believe in you and boost your self-confidence. Try out new things and succeed in them. And if not, ask yourself what you can learn out of it. Play and have fun and, when needed, pause, reflect and take care of yourself. 

Here’s to 2023, our Year of Possibilities…

What is your word of the year? I'm curious... Don't hesitate to send me a message at [email protected] . I would love to hear from you!

Do you also want to be remarkable in your own way, like Pippi Longstocking? Have a look at my unique program Your Personal Brand kickstart with Fascinate® HERE

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